Mindset Shift:  Redefining The Comfort Zone

person picking sliced pizza

We all have comfortable things in life: yoga pants, hot pizza, the easy 9 to 5 job. Comfort zones come in all forms – from tangible things to physical places, emotional states of mind, jobs, and even relationships. We’ve all experienced comfort zones and frankly, we need to redefine this concept if we’re going to shift our mindset and take ourselves to the next level.

Let’s Redefine The Comfort Zone

A Comfort Zone Is Not…


Comfort zones have this sneaky sound to their name, as if they were something positive. Comfort sounds like a good thing, right? The reality is that comfort zones are counterfeit comfort and a false reality. They actually hold you back instead propelling you forward. By thinking that comfort zones are safe and helpful, you end up tricking yourself into believing that a comfort zone is good. Don’t let yourself be held back by this kind of thinking.


We often like to think about comfort zones being a plush, pleasant place to live. The reality is that comfort zones are actually self-constructed prisons. We often create these zones where we put up walls and limitations, thinking we’re protecting ourselves. In reality, we are limiting ourselves from our full potential. What may feel “safe” is actually a scary place to be. There is a whole big world out there where you can break down walls and reach seemingly impossible goals. You’re doing good now, but think about how much better you could be doing if you break down the self-constructed walls around a comfort zone!

Something To Break

We need to redefine our comfort zone as an infinitely expandable rubber band instead of the concept of breaking through our comfort zone. Breaking through something is different than expanding. So often we think of comfort zones as something to break, but in reality they are something to expand. As a result, our boundaries expand again and again. This process can be painful, just like physical training can be. We should celebrate this, instead of lamenting it. This is a beautiful process. It’s hard, but worth the effort!

In order to meet my huge goal of competing at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, I had to expand out of my comfort zone big time! I was a good athlete in a lot of ways, but working toward this goal pushed me out of that comfort zone and into an arena with a whole new level of athletes. You know what? I learned in the process that not only could I compete on this level, but I earned a spot at this level. Had I stayed in my comfort zone, I would never have experienced this knowledge and level of athleticism.

So, what is your comfort zone right now? What is holding you back from breaking down the walls and seeing what’s on the other side? I encourage you to redefine what a comfort zone is to you and view it as the hindrance to your success that it actually is.

Unlimiting Your Beliefs; 7 Keys to Greater Success in Your Personal and Professional Life is a success manual that puts the seven transformative keys to achievement right at the fingertips of its readers. Visit www.karenbrownauthor.com for more information or order here.

Karen Brown is a subject-matter expert in the field of leadership and professional performance. She is the CEO of Velocity Leadership Consulting, supporting senior executive leaders to elevate performance by making behavioral changes using scientifically proven methodologies and techniques. She has appeared on 37 leadership podcasts and featured in many publications, including two books, the latest being endorsed with a 5-star rating by legendary Brian Tracy. Her favorite quote is by Carl Jung, “what you resist, persists until you deal with it.” She enjoys helping execs deal with the things they are resisting, is a continuous learner, an international ultra-endurance athlete, and resides in Colorado.