Dianna H.

Nate Zich

Whether you’re a leader of a large corporate team or a small business owner, you react to situations as they occur. We all do this, for many reasons. The result, however, is that you don’t make big strides toward your goals, be they next month, next year, or in the next decade.

Such was the case when I began working with Exponential Results. Within the first three coaching sessions, the coach delivered ROI that far exceeded the entire coaching fee – from helping me and my team to review and completely revamp our sales process to pushing me to challenge my own limiting beliefs.

The results speak for themselves. My team and I closed a sale the first time we used our new process. We now have a fully documented inquiry qualification process (complete with flowchart!). I analyzed our lead generation methods and am making changes based on data. I now have documented goals and weekly and monthly metrics – to which I’m held accountable (oh yes).

The best part, however, is the change in how I’m approaching my decision-making process – whether for business or personal goals. I’m now preparing for what I want to happen versus reacting to what is happening. A subtle difference in the use of a to-be verb maybe, but a huge, huge change in how I’ve been living life.