Is Fear Getting in the Way of the Life That You Want?

silhouette photo of a man jumps on to cliff near sea during sunset

Fear can be so involved in our daily lives that we don’t even recognize it as fear. When someone asks, “What are you afraid of?” many of you might say spiders or public speaking. Let’s dig deeper though. What about loneliness, death, rejection, or failure? Okay, that was pretty deep. BUT, these ARE things we fear, and maybe we don’t jump to admit it because we’re comfortable and don’t want to face the fact that they are preventing us from doing more with our lives.

Maybe you’re unhappy in a relationship but you aren’t doing anything about it because you fear being alone. However, by allowing that fear to dictate your life, you’re not seeing the potential for freedom and happiness that will overpower the loneliness you imagine. Maybe you have a great idea that you want to share with your boss, but you don’t share it because you fear he or she will reject it. Then at next month’s meeting, someone else had a similar idea that they proposed and your boss loved it. You handed your great opportunity over to someone else because of fear. I could go on and on with examples, but it’s clear that fear limits us from being the best version of ourselves and discovering our potential for a great and purposeful life.

So why aren’t you facing your fears?

F.E.A.R stands for False Emotions Appearing Real, nothing more. It’s our brain’s way of protecting us from perceived death or danger.

There are two options: Fear or Faith, you choose. Fear stops us while faith does it scared, and still does it! If we lean into the fear, it also propels us into the very thing we are most resisting, bringing the key to success.

Fear causes thoughts that manifest physically so you think, “Maybe I don’t feel well; maybe I’m sick today and can’t do it.” You manufacture a fire that you have to put out before you can do it. You conclude that maybe it’s just too hard and you won’t be able to do it. “It won’t work for me.”

What’s the fear antidote?? Activity.

  • Identify the first 3 steps involved, to work toward the goal.
  • Write them down and execute on them as soon as possible! The longer you wait, the higher the chance you won’t take the first step.
  • Jump in with both feet and fall forward!!!

Why facing your fears is rewarding:

Doing things that we aren’t fearful of gives a low-level sense of achievement. Doing things we are fearful of brings a rich, deeper level of achievement because it’s something we conquered. And, it has the bonus of propelling us forward to the next thing.

The hardest challenge in facing your fears is the action part. Getting started and building up momentum. Most people need that initial nudge, and EVERYONE needs support along the way. If you haven’t thought about getting a life coach before e-mail me at: to talk about it one-on-one.

Here’s to the start of your fabulous life journey!
Unlimiting Your Beliefs; 7 Keys to Greater Success in Your Personal and Professional Life is a success manual that puts the seven transformative keys to achievement right at the fingertips of its readers.
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