No doubt about it, 2020 has been a year we’ll never forget. But it’s not over yet. With 4th quarter right around the corner, it’s time to get in position for a dash to the finish. How can you rally in Q4 and rescue your year? BREAK OLD THOUGHT PATTERNS.
A new approach is the only way to solve new problems created by the “new normal.”
While most can agree a new approach is needed, senior executives are often reluctant to relinquish control. The idea of changing systems, habits, and ways of doing business that have led to their success thus far, seems risky. There is comfort in leaning on the strengths that led to past successes. And perhaps a fear of judgment or vulnerability is associated with investigating areas that are holding them back. This fear, need to control, and even stubbornness can be an obstacle to helping their company rethink, rebuild and rebound.
It’s time to retool your Q4 approach so numbers come in strong.
Entrepreneur magazine’s recent article, Why Creativity is Key for the Post-Crisis Rebuild, discusses that charting a new path for the uncertain road ahead will require business leaders to rethink business models, re-examine customer experiences, and develop new products. To chart this new path, one must first break old thought patterns and confront their blind spots.
This is hard work that cannot be done alone and requires an experienced guide. It’s precisely why I founded Velocity Leadership Consulting. Our experienced coaches use a science-based approach to transform executive teams and accelerate company results—especially in times of stress and disruption when old ways no longer produce success.
Our coaches apply their neurolinguistics programming expertise, using our exclusive, proven Badass Inc. method, to identify and change behavioral patterns in the unconscious mind that underpin elevated performance. With this specialized approach, our clients experience faster, sustainable change that propels their organizations to greater success.
Can we see results in Q4? The answer is YES … when you involve the entire senior team.
After coaching, our clients consistently outperform their goals at a faster pace than before. To rescue your company from becoming another COVID statistic, we need to move fast. The fastest way to transform a company is to transform the entire leadership team simultaneously with Concurrent Coaching.
Working with a virtual coach, each member of the executive team individually uncovers and addresses their blind spots. While expanding their distinct approaches, perspectives, and toolkits, they collectively create new dynamics, generate ideas, and strengthen and enrich the entire system.
Concurrent coaching super-charges the organization with unparalleled advancements in corporate agility, unified culture, and accelerated economic gains.
Two recent business journals agree that the team approach is critical in this crisis economy.
- In 4 Steps for Building Your Team’s Resilience, Entrepreneur magazine described resilience as the ability and motivation to overcome adversity; the process of adapting well in the face of trauma, threats, or significant sources of stress. I don’t know an executive that doesn’t need that right now. The author contends that resilience is a team trait that can be developed and shaped, emphasizing that, “Resilient teams meet challenges and learn from them. That’s why it’s essential for leaders to develop resilience in their teams.”
- Harvard Business Review’s article, Don’t Let the Pandemic Sink Your Company Culture, cites a study that looked at the impact of adaptability on the bottom line. Organizations that were strong, strategically aligned, and had built-in capacity to adapt quickly to dynamic environments earned 15% more in annual revenue compared to those in the same industry that were less adaptable.
Through Concurrent Coaching, we are helping executive teams face today’s business challenges head-on and apply new approaches to achieve success. Embrace the opportunity to rescue your year and empower your company to come out on top by taking action in Q4! Let’s talk soon and get to work helping your executive team reach new levels of effectiveness, which will translate to tangible results for your company – this year.