New Leader Development

Equip new leaders to thrive in today’s workplace
Welcome to our comprehensive Leadership Development Program, designed to empower New Leaders with the skills and insights necessary for success in today's dynamic workplace. Our program is built on a foundation of authentic leadership, emphasizing a "whole person" perspective that integrates assessments and values-based approaches to create thoughtful and collaborative models and strategies. We capitalize on your strengths and growth areas, combining modern leadership and business strategies resulting in organic, yet rapid, sustainable growth.

Our New Leader Development Program is dynamic, adaptive, and tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities in the contemporary workplace. It combines technical, interpersonal, and personal development skills to prepare new leaders for success in their roles. Join us on this transformative journey to leadership excellence.

This is offered in 1:1 Coaching or Team Coaching

All work is tailored to align with the unique needs of the leader, team and organizational culture, regardless of currently-held role. If the specific thing you want to work on isn’t listed, please ask because we can most likely provide it.

Key Components

* Team Coaching
How to lead yourself, each other and Direct Reports

Ideal for small to medium size teams

If you’re like lots of other lean companies, you are trying to leverage every dollar and every ounce of energy, as efficiently as possible. You’ve probably had a professional coach, and would love one for every member of your team, but simply can’t afford it, and prefer a cohesive program for all. Here it is!

Team coaching is comprised of coaching the entire team at once, using customized content culled and created from scratch after talking with every team member 1:1. From these interviews, we determine what is already known and used and what is unknown and needed. This creates a completely unique program of learning and growth for your team, since every leader and team is different.

The best results from this program come from doing Team Coaching first, in a series of meetings no longer than 2 hours (virtual or in-person, your choice) each, incorporating all into real-time work situations and dynamics. Supporting it with access to coaches to work on each team members’ growth edges to further develop individual skills.

Here are some examples of curated content:
Section 1 - Results through Relationships

  • Clear Communication
  • Healthy Relationships
    • Empathy
    • Trust
  • Conflict
    • Resolution
    • Blind Spots
    • Overdone Strengths
    • Triggers
Section 2 - Interdependent Team or High Performing Teams
  • Overall tenets
    • Team Unit
    • Relationships
    • Morale
    • Pitching in
    • Navigating relationships on a small team
  • Feedback
    • How to elicit, receive, process, incorporate and report back.
Section 3 - Goals and Performance
  • Identifying your driving force to achieve goals and using it; intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. helping others find and use theirs. Use in Performance Management.
  • Encouragement and future pacing
  • Team member performance conversations – How to help each other with pretty much anything.
    • Generative Listening
    • ORID model
  • Accountability

Take the next step.

100% of the successor candidates we’ve worked with have been successful right out of the gate and over the long-term. Creating Exponential Results for their companies and stakeholders.
*Complete our Exponential Results Scorecard, to receive a custom report highlighting strengths, areas for growth, and even some coaching tips.